Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Combining Efforts Post #14

So I last decided to work on the off-line portion of the game:  UI, start/login screen, asset loading, etc...

As I started diving into a completely new version of the UI and map panning I ran into some really weird CSS problems with my z-index and mouse event handlers.  Somehow my event listeners aren't tied to the correct DOM element even though I'm working my way through a fairly good tutorial (that of course works just fine).

I'm not the only one hitting "critical mass" roadblocks or perhaps just project burnout?  One of the teams making an Android game is having engine usability issues and with my recent foray into game engines we both have skill sets the other team currently needs.  So our teams will spend the next week or so helping each other get our projects over this next little hump.  I think both of our groups are also at the point where we just need some new creative life breathed into us.

Oh.  It's the Parts & Portals game group (Daniel, Jacky and Jaron).

So the goal for my project for the week remains the same as it did for the past few weeks.  I'll be explaining in more detail where I'm at technically in the client thread.

Thanks for reading.


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